Rates and Methods

SONIC Biological Fertilisers and Livestock Supplements are liquid mineral concentrates designed for easy, safe, and versatile use on seeds, soil, foliage, and animals.  Whether applied through a watering can, spray pack, fertigation system, boom spray, or trickle irrigation, SONIC Biofertilisers seamlessly integrate into any fertilisation routine.

Liquid Fish BiofertiliserLiquid Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser

Hydrolysate Biofertiliser

Liquid Fish Hydrolysate stimulates microbial and fungal activity providing optimum plant & soil health benefits.  Use as a foliar spray or soil drench.

Liquid Fish fertiliser is particularly effective for crops that are nutrient-hungry or need a quick boost during growth stages.  It’s also great for replenishing soil that may have been depleted of essential nutrients over time.  If you’re looking to enhance root development and stimulate strong, healthy plant growth, Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser is an excellent choice.

SONIC Liquid Fish Typical Analysis
Nitrogen (N)0.24%
Phosphorus (P)0.16%
Potassium (K)0.36%
Sulphur (S)0.09%
Calcium (Ca)0.39%
Magnesium (Mg)0.07%
Sodium (Na)0.05%
Iron (Fe)50ppm
Manganese (Mn)2.9ppm
Zinc (Zn)2.9ppm
Copper (Cu)1ppm
Cobalt (Co)0.1ppm
Boron (B)5ppm
Molybdenum (Mo)0.2ppm
Selenium (Se)0.05ppm

SONIC Liquid Fish™ Biofertiliser – Suggested Rates

ApplicationSuggested RateApplication Frequency
General1:10 dilutionApply as needed, typically 1-2 times per season
Seed Inoculant5L per 1 tonne of seedApply once before seeding
Seedlings30-60ml per 10L of waterApply once at transplant
Cover Crops2-5L/haApply once or twice during growth
Vegetables3-5L/haApply 2-3 times during growing season
Vegetables (Advanced)3-8L/haApply 3-4 times during growing season
Turf2-5L/haApply every 2-4 weeks during growing season
Vines3-10L/haApply 2-3 times during growing season
Fruit & Nut Trees5-10L/haApply 2-3 times per year during growing season
Tropical Fruit5-10L/haApply 2-3 times during growing season
Broad-acre Crops5-10L/haApply 2-3 times during growing season
Fertigation3-10L/haApply with each or alternate irrigation cycle
Grazing3-10L/haApply 2-5 times per year

Liquid Seaweed BiofertiliserLiquid Seaweed Biofertiliser

(Kelp) Biofertiliser

Liquid Seaweed Biological Fertiliser activates soil microbial activity providing excellent plant & soil health benefits.  Use as a foliar spray or soil drench.

Seaweed fertiliser is ideal if you’re looking to increase plant resilience to environmental stress, improve soil health, and boost the overall quality of your crops. It’s perfect for use during stressful growing periods like seed striking, early growth, during droughts, hot spells, or after transplantation, pests and disease.

SONIC Liquid Seaweed Typical Analysis

SONIC Liquid Seaweed™ Biofertiliser – Suggested Rates

ApplicationSuggested RateApplication Frequency
General1:10 dilutionApply as needed, typically 1-2 times per season
Seed Inoculant5L per 1 tonne of seedApply once before seeding
Seedlings & Microgreens30-60ml per 10L of waterApply once at transplant
Cover Crops2-5L/haApply once or twice during growth
Vegetables3-5L/haApply 2-3 times during growing season
Vegetables (Advanced)5-10L/haApply 3-4 times during growing season
Turf2-5L/ha every 2-4 weeksApply every 2-4 weeks during growing season
Vines3-15L/haApply 2-3 times during growing season
Fruit & Nut Trees5-15L/haApply 2-3 times per year during growing season
Tropical Fruit5-15L/haApply 2-3 times during growing season
Broad-acre Crops5-15L/haApply 2-3 times during growing season
Fertigation3-15L/haApply with each or alternate irrigation cycle
Grazing3-15L/haApply 2-4 times per year
SONIC Natural Farming

Liquid Biological Fertiliser Uses

  • Seed Treatment – Boost Germination

Use biological fertilisers as an inoculant to coat seeds with beneficial microbes and minerals prior to seeding. Biofertilisers can also be used as a root pre-soak prior to transplanting, to minimise transplant shock and promote strong, healthy growth.
Read Article Biological Seed Treatment: Benefits and Methods

  • Foliar Spray – Crop Vitality

When applying biological fertilisers as a foliar spray, nutrients are absorbed directly through the leaves, allowing for quick uptake and immediate effects on plant health and growth, which can be particularly beneficial during vital stages like flowering and fruiting. 

  • Soil Drench – Microbial Diversity

Using biofertilisers as a soil drench will add minerals and stimulate the growth of beneficial microbes in the soil. As microbial activities increase, soil structure improves, water-holding capacity is enhanced, and nutrient cycling becomes more efficient, resulting in a healthy and productive soil environment.

Biological Fertiliser Spray Methods

Biofertiliser Spraying

Liquid biofertilisers offer a flexible and efficient way to deliver essential nutrients directly to your crops.

Mixing Preparation

Start by filling your spray tank or mixing container with water before adding the biofertilisers, to prevent foam buildup. Once mixed, use the solution within 48 hours, and do not store in diluted form.

Spray Equipment

Suitable spray equipment includes; Boom sprayers, Airblast sprayers, Tractor-mounted sprayers, Aerial sprayers (drones and aircraft), and Fertigation systems.

For optimal performance, use larger nozzle and screen sizes, or even no screens at all. Keep spray pressure below 55 psi to ensure the product is applied effectively. After use, be sure to rinse out your tanks and flush the lines to prevent residue buildup.

Application Timing

For best results, apply biological fertilisers during rainy or overcast conditions, or in the evening, to take advantage of the moisture at night.  Avoid applying in full sun or when temperatures exceed 27°C, as this can reduce effectiveness.

Biological Fertilisers FAQs

SONIC Biofertiliser products have a mild, non-offensive odour—nothing like the strong odour of many emulsion fertilisers. This is because these products are naturally fermented using beneficial microbes, which help maintain balance during the processing, and preventing the liquid fish and seaweed from going rancid. When spraying, you may notice the scent initially, but it will dissipate quickly.

How to Reduce Farm Odours with Beneficial Microbes

Yes, SONIC Biofertiliser products are made using 100% Australian-sourced natural ingredients. These Biofertilisers are cold fermented and contain no added synthetic minerals, additives, or preservatives. We can provide farmers with any required information for certifying bodies to ensure compliance with organic standards.

Unlike NPK fertilisers, that just feed plants (synthetic) minerals, biological fertilisers work by delivering organic minerals and boosting the soil’s microbiome—improving nutrient cycling and plant immunity. This leads to stronger, healthier crops, without the potential of mineral imbalances or runoff that NPK fertilisers can cause.

SONIC Biological Fertilisers are specially formulated using SONIC’s own Starter Cultures sourced from indigenous Australian soil microbes. These beneficial microbes are Aussie-hardy and help activate microbial populations in the soil. Fertile soil is essential for boosting nutrient availability, and enhancing crop immunity, enabling plants to better cope with Australia’s unique challenges—whether it’s drought, unpredictable weather, or pest pressures.


Naturally fermented liquid products, begin working immediately by activating soil biology and delivering bio-available nutrition to plants. Results will vary depending on your crop, soil, and growing practices. For grazing pastures, in poor condition, improvements in soil biology may take a few years to fully develop. When seeding, you can often see faster seed germination and stronger early growth. Orchard and vegetable growers typically notice improved growth, flavour, nutrient-density, and a longer shelf life.

There is no withholding period after applying SONIC biological products because they are 100% natural and non-toxic to livestock. In fact, SONIC Liquid Seaweed is a Mineral Feed Supplement, providing multiple health benefits for animals. These fertilisers are safe to use around children, livestock, and pets, allowing you to integrate them seamlessly into your farming practices without any concerns about safety or toxicity.

Liquid seaweed extracts are chemically-extracted or heat-extracted to concentrate specific minerals. These processes can result in the loss of some nutrients and trace elements. In contrast, Seaweed Biofertiliser, such as SONIC Liquid Seaweed, is cold fermented, preserving the full spectrum of minerals and trace elements in a bio-available form.

Read Article – Liquid Seaweed Fertiliser Comparison:  Ferment Vs Extract

The fish waste is sourced from retail fish shops across Australia, in regions with an operational SONIC Biofertiliser Production System. The leftover fish waste is almost entirely ocean-caught fish. It is collected, placed in large barrels or IBC containers, and cold processed (fermented) using microbial cultures, until it breaks down to become a bioavailable liquid that plants can easily absorb.

Turning Fish Waste into Premium Hydrolysate Fertiliser
Liquid Seaweed Feed Supplement

Livestock Mineral Supplement

Liquid Seaweed 100% natural probiotic mineral concentrate is suitable for all farm animals, including cattle, sheep, horses, goats, alpacas, pigs, poultry, and pets. 

How To Use:

Add Liquid Seaweed concentrate to the animals’ water supply, diluted at a ratio of 1:5 to 1:10, or directly to their feed. You can administer it weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or quarterly. It can also be used as a direct oral drench for sick or malnourished animals, providing a quick mineral boost. Additionally, you can spray it on dry feed, mix it with grain, or add it to natural mineral lick blocks.

*Note: when administering diluted with water, use within 2-3 days. Enable animals access to a fresh water source also.  Do not store in diluted form.

SONIC Liquid Seaweed Typical Analysis

SONIC Liquid Seaweed™ Livestock Supplement – Suggested Rates

AnimalSuggested Dose (ml)Frequency of Doses
General1:5 to 1:10 dilutionApply as needed, typically 1-2 times per month
CattleUp to 50 kg: 15-40 mlWeekly or Fortnightly
50-100 kg: 30-60 mlWeekly or Fortnightly
100-200 kg: 50-100 mlWeekly or Fortnightly
200-400 kg: 80-150 mlWeekly or Fortnightly
>400 kg: 150-200 mlWeekly or Fortnightly
Milking CowsAll sizes: 10-30 ml dailyDaily or Weekly
CalvesIn milk or feed: 5-15 ml dailyDaily or Weekly
SheepUp to 10 kg: 5-10 mlWeekly
10-30 kg: 10-20 mlWeekly or Fortnightly
30-50 kg: 20-30 mlWeekly or Fortnightly
50-70 kg: 30-40 mlWeekly or Fortnightly
>70 kg: 40-50 mlWeekly or Fortnightly
HorsesWorking Horses: 30-50 mlWeekly or Fortnightly
Horses Spelling: 20-40 mlWeekly or Fortnightly
Yearlings: 20-40 mlWeekly
PoultryAll sizes: 15-50 ml per 5L waterDaily or Weekly
PetsAll sizes: 15-50 ml per 5L waterDaily or Weekly

Liquid Seaweed for Livestock FAQs

Yes, SONIC 100% natural Liquid Seaweed Probiotic Mineral Supplement is suitable for all farm animals, including cattle, sheep, horses, goats, alpacas, pigs, poultry, and even pets. It can be used regularly or during times when feed quality is poor or when animals are under higher stress, such as during calving, foaling, or lambing.

Yes, SONIC Probiotic Liquid Seaweed can improve livestock feed efficiency by supporting the rumen microbiome. The polysaccharides in kelp, like alginates and fucoidans, act as prebiotics, while the natural probiotics in these mineral supplements help to strengthen digestion. Better digestion means better nutrient absorption and feed efficiency.

Administer Liquid Seaweed to the animals’ water, (1:5-1:10 dilution), or directly to their feed. It can also be used undiluted as an oral drench for sick or malnourished animals, providing a quick mineral boost. Additionally, you can spray it on dry feed, mix it with grain, or add it to natural mineral lick blocks.

*Note: when administering diluted with water, use within 2-3 days. Enable access to a fresh water.  Do not store in diluted form.

You can administer SONIC Liquid Seaweed Mineral Supplement to animals weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or quarterly, depending on their needs.

Yes, SONIC Liquid Seaweed is 100% natural, with no additives, preservatives or stabilisers. It is particularly beneficial for animals during periods of higher demands or stress, such as pregnancy or lactation. It provides easily absorbed organic minerals that can have a calming effect, supporting overall health and well-being.

SONIC Biological Fertiliser

Product Storage

SONIC Biological Products provide maximum efficacy when used within 3-6 months of production. This timeframe ensures that the active ingredients maintain their potency so that you get the full range of benefits they have to offer.

It’s important to note that Biological Products should not be stored in a diluted form. The rates suggested are general, and will vary according to your soil health and land management practices.  If you would like to discuss options, please contact us.


Delivering Organic Mineral Nutrition to your Soil, Seeds, Crops, and Livestock

Rates and Usage FAQs

The older a biological fertiliser gets, the less biological activity it will have. However, it will still deliver minerals and trace elements to plants, even if it’s past its prime. Avoid using biofertilisers if it’s “off”. A strong, foul odour is a clear sign that it’s no longer effective. If your biofertiliser is “off”, you can safely discard it by burying it in the ground or adding it to a compost pile.

How to Make Compost for your Garden and the Farm

Yes, SONIC Biological Fertilisers are compatible with standard spray equipment, making them easy to apply with your existing setup. Suitable spray equipment includes; Boom sprayers, Airblast sprayers, Tractor-mounted sprayers, Aerial sprayers (drones and aircraft), and Fertigation systems. Fill your spray tank or mixing container with water before adding the Biofertilisers to prevent foam buildup. Once mixed, use the solution within 48 hours and do not store in diluted form.

For best results, it’s ideal to apply biofertilisers using lower quantities more frequently. For grazing pastures and orchards, apply 3 or more times per year during the first 1 to 3 years of use. Once the soil ecosystem is more established, the frequency can be tapered back. For small crops and seedlings, apply once a week or fortnight.

See Rates and Methods

SONIC Biofertilisers are double filtered to ensure smooth passage through fine sprayers and irrigation systems without clogging. To protect the biological integrity of the products, however, use larger nozzle and screen sizes, or no screens at all, maintaining a spray pressure below 55 psi. This helps prevent damage to the living microorganisms in the fertilisers.

To ensure you get the best possible results, use biofertilisers within 3-6 months from the batch date. This will allow you to take full advantage of the products’ peak biological performance and deliver the most benefits to your soil and crops.

Product Storage Information (download).

The best time to apply biological fertilisers is during overcast conditions, before or during rain, or later in the day to take advantage of the cooler temperatures and night-time moisture. Microbes thrive in moist, sheltered environments.

Chat with us about the best supply option for your farm

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