Biological Fertilisers and Livestock Supplements

Natural Solutions for Thriving Crops and Healthy Livestock

Enhance your farm’s productivity with Liquid Fish and Seaweed Biological Fertilisers and Livestock Supplements, carefully crafted to support soil health, improve nutrient availability for crops, and promote livestock vitality—naturally.

Benefits of Using Biological Solutions

Liquid Seaweed Biofertiliser

One key benefit of using Liquid Seaweed Biofertiliser is its bio-available nutrient content. Seaweed is packed with essential minerals, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements such as iron, zinc, and magnesium.

These nutrients are vital for healthy plant development and are readily absorbed by plants, as a biofertiliser, promoting robust root growth, improved flowering and fruiting, and overall plant vigor.

Alongside containing essential elements, Liquid Seaweed Biofertiliser also contains micronutrients such as iron, copper, zinc, molybdenum, boron, manganese and cobalt. 

Plants use tiny amounts of the micronutrients, often measured in parts per million, which is why Liquid Seaweed Biofertiliser can be highly effective in delivering these micronutrients to crops.

Due to a variety of beneficial compounds such as cytokinins, auxins, gibberellins, and betaines, Liquid Seaweed Biofertiliser can positively impact photosynthesis by stimulating the growth of chlorophyll pigments responsible for capturing light. This results in increased absorption of sunlight and more efficient conversion of carbon dioxide into carbohydrates.

Liquid Fish Biofertiliser

Liquid Fish Biofertiliser is high in organic nutrient content. It contains a balanced blend of macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as micronutrients like calcium, magnesium, and iron. These nutrients are readily available to plants in a form that is easily absorbed through their roots.

One of the key benefits of using Liquid Fish Biofertiliser, hydrolysate, is its ability to promote the growth of soil fungi. Fungi play a crucial role in breaking down organic matter in the soil, releasing essential nutrients that are then made available to plants. By providing a food source for these fungi, Liquid Fish helps create an environment where they can thrive and perform their vital functions.

Furthermore, Liquid Fish Biofertiliser is an environmentally friendly option as it utilises discarded products from the fishing industry that would otherwise go to waste or be processed into low-value products. By recycling these byproducts into an effective fertiliser solution, we can reduce waste and promote sustainable practices in agriculture.


Supplementing animals with broad spectrum minerals can help stimulate metabolism and improve feed efficiency.  Seaweed has also been shown to assist with daily weight gain and body condition for stock grazing on native and improved pastures.

100% natural Liquid Seaweed Probiotic Supplement is suitable for all farm animals, including cattle, sheep, horses, goats, alpacas, pigs, poultry, and pets. Use regularly or at times of the year when feed quality is poor, or there are higher demands on the animal such as calving, foaling, or lambing.  Administer by adding to feed or water, or undiluted as a drench.  It can also be used as an inoculant on hay, as a grain soak, or sprayed over pastures.

Liquid Seaweed Probiotic Feed Supplement is made from renewable resources of seaweed that are harvested without causing harm to marine ecosystems. Benefits for animals include improved nutrition, enhanced immune function, better digestibility and reduced stress levels.

Price Guide

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Note: Prices listed are a guide only. GST and shipping excluded. The prices indicated for a SONIC DIY System are post training and qualification.  Click here to get a customised quote within 24 business hours.


Delivering Organic Mineral Nutrition to Your Soil, Seeds, Crops, and Livestock.

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Biological Fertilisers FAQs

SONIC Biofertiliser products have a mild, non-offensive odour—nothing like the strong odour of many emulsion fertilisers. This is because these products are naturally fermented using beneficial microbes, which help maintain balance during the processing, and preventing the liquid fish and seaweed from going rancid. When spraying, you may notice the scent initially, but it will dissipate quickly.

How to Reduce Farm Odours with Beneficial Microbes

Yes, SONIC Biofertiliser products are made using 100% Australian-sourced natural ingredients. These Biofertilisers are cold fermented and contain no added synthetic minerals, additives, or preservatives. We can provide farmers with any required information for certifying bodies to ensure compliance with organic standards.

Unlike NPK fertilisers, that just feed plants (synthetic) minerals, biological fertilisers work by delivering organic minerals and boosting the soil’s microbiome—improving nutrient cycling and plant immunity. This leads to stronger, healthier crops, without the potential of mineral imbalances or runoff that NPK fertilisers can cause.

SONIC Biological Fertilisers are specially formulated using SONIC’s own Starter Cultures sourced from indigenous Australian soil microbes. These beneficial microbes are Aussie-hardy and help activate microbial populations in the soil. Fertile soil is essential for boosting nutrient availability, and enhancing crop immunity, enabling plants to better cope with Australia’s unique challenges—whether it’s drought, unpredictable weather, or pest pressures.


Naturally fermented liquid products, begin working immediately by activating soil biology and delivering bio-available nutrition to plants. Results will vary depending on your crop, soil, and growing practices. For grazing pastures, in poor condition, improvements in soil biology may take a few years to fully develop. When seeding, you can often see faster seed germination and stronger early growth. Orchard and vegetable growers typically notice improved growth, flavour, nutrient-density, and a longer shelf life.

There is no withholding period after applying SONIC biological products because they are 100% natural and non-toxic to livestock. In fact, SONIC Liquid Seaweed is a Mineral Feed Supplement, providing multiple health benefits for animals. These fertilisers are safe to use around children, livestock, and pets, allowing you to integrate them seamlessly into your farming practices without any concerns about safety or toxicity.

Liquid seaweed extracts are chemically-extracted or heat-extracted to concentrate specific minerals. These processes can result in the loss of some nutrients and trace elements. In contrast, Seaweed Biofertiliser, such as SONIC Liquid Seaweed, is cold fermented, preserving the full spectrum of minerals and trace elements in a bio-available form.

Read Article – Liquid Seaweed Fertiliser Comparison:  Ferment Vs Extract

The fish waste is sourced from retail fish shops across Australia, in regions with an operational SONIC Biofertiliser Production System. The leftover fish waste is almost entirely ocean-caught fish. It is collected, placed in large barrels or IBC containers, and cold processed (fermented) using microbial cultures, until it breaks down to become a bioavailable liquid that plants can easily absorb.

Turning Fish Waste into Premium Hydrolysate Fertiliser

Trusted by Australian Farmers


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You really can see the difference, just driving up the road. We’re happy, and it has actually saved us a lot of money on extra fertilisers.
Wayne & Sue Green

Pecan and Sheep Farmers, VALLEY VIEW PECANS


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If I see something once and something that dramatic, I know it’s got to be doing good.

Rod and Tania Bruin

Small Mixed Crop Farmers, SUMMIT ORGANICS


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I think it’s doing a fantastic job!  We have had the best year with the most tree stress.

Geoff Bugden

Certified Organic Pecan Farmer, WILSON RIVER PECANS

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Nourish Your Crops for Strong
Root Growth and Nutrient-Rich Harvests

Liquid Seaweed Biofertiliser


Biological Fertiliser Uses

Beneficial for seedlings, potted plants, mixed crops, orchards, and cropping


Supercharge your Soil Fertility
and Increase Fungal Biomass

Liquid Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser


Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser

Beneficial for cover crops, veg, fruit & nut trees, pasture and broad-acre crops


Enhance your Livestock Digestion
for Optimal Feed Efficiency

Liquid Seaweed for Livestock


Liquid Seaweed Probiotic Supplement for Livestock

Beneficial for horses, cattle, sheep, goats, alpacas, chickens and pets