Enhance Digestion and Feed Efficiency with Probiotic Kelp Minerals

Liquid Seaweed for Livestock

With an impressive composition of organic minerals, trace elements, vitamins, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants, SONIC Liquid Seaweed for Livestock helps to ensure animals receive the essential nutrients that may be missing from their diets.

Chelated Mineral Concentrate with Probiotics for Livestock

Boost the nutritional value of hay feed, biochar, and grain with SONIC Probiotic Liquid Seaweed for Livestock.  Simply add to feed or water to deliver balanced organic nutrients, and natural probiotics to optimise digestion.

  • Organic Nutrition: Rich in balanced minerals including iodine to help regulate metabolism, growth, and energy levels.
  • Immune System Support: Kelp contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help animals resist infections and maintain overall health.
  • Stress Reduction: Seaweed supplements have been linked to improved behavior and temperament in livestock.
  • Feed Efficiency: Improves digestive function, optimising feed utilisation
  • Tasty Nourishment: Highly palatable and preferred by animals

How to use Liquid Seaweed (Kelp)
for Livestock

SONIC 100% natural Liquid Seaweed Probiotic Mineral Supplement is suitable for all farm animals, including cattle, sheep, horses, goats, alpacas, pigs, poultry, and pets.

Use regularly or at times of the year when feed quality is poor, or there are higher demands on the animal such as calving, foaling, or lambing.

Liquid Seaweed Chelated Mineral Concentrate can be added to feed or water, or administered undiluted as an oral drench.  It can also be used diluted or undiluted as an inoculant (spray) on hay, biochar and grain, or sprayed diluted over pastures.

Liquid Seaweed Biofertiliser and Probiotic Feed Supplement

SONIC Liquid Seaweed Probiotic Mineral Supplement is derived from Australian Durvillaea Potatorum (Bull Kelp) and natural probiotic cultures.  No fillers, additives or preservatives.

Liquid Seaweed Probiotic Feed Supplement

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0423 139 578

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Fermentation Breaks Down Complex Polysaccharides in Kelp that are Hard for Animals to Digest

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Liquid Probiotic Seaweed Supplements for Sheep

Advantages of Using Liquid Seaweed Livestock Supplement

Incorporating SONIC Liquid Seaweed into livestock diets offers several advantages including improved nutrition, enhanced immune function, better digestibility, reduced stress levels, and environmental sustainability.

A probiotic Liquid Seaweed Mineral concentrate provides essential minerals and trace elements that are necessary for the overall health and well-being of animals. These minerals play a crucial role in various biological processes such as enzyme activation, immune function, and bone development.

Liquid Seaweed Probiotic Feed Supplement
Liquid Seaweed Probiotic Feed Supplement

Liquid Seaweed Kelp’s Unique Qualities

Organic Source of Iodine

Iodine is naturally present in seaweed kelp and is essential for thyroid function in animals. Adequate iodine levels help regulate metabolism, growth, and energy levels.

Digestive Health

The polysaccharides in kelp, such as alginates and fucoidans, have prebiotic effects that promote a healthy gut microbiome. This can improve digestion and nutrient absorption in animals.

Supports Immune System

Kelp contains antioxidants, vitamins (like C and E), and minerals that support a strong immune system, helping animals resist infections and maintain overall health.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Certain compounds in kelp, such as fucoidan, have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce inflammation and support joint health in animals.

Enhanced Coat and Skin Health

The nutrients in kelp, including omega-3 fatty acids and minerals, contribute to healthy skin and a shiny coat in pets and livestock. It can also help with conditions like dry skin and coat dullness.

Why Process Kelp Using Fermentation and Probiotic Cultures?

Fermenting kelp, using probiotic cultures, can significantly enhance the bioavailability of nutrients. Here’s how fermentation can impact the digestibility and nutritional quality:

Unlocks Minerals and Trace Elements

Fermentation can break down complex polysaccharides and other compounds in kelp, making nutrients more accessible. Probiotic cultures can help digest the fibrous components and release vitamins and minerals that might otherwise be less bioavailable.

Easy to Digest

The process of fermentation can break down the cell walls of the seaweed, which often contain complex polysaccharides that are hard for animals to digest. By breaking these down, the nutrients become more readily available for absorption.

Improved Flavour

Fermentation can also alter the flavour and odour of kelp, which can make it more palatable to animals.

Probiotic Content

Fermentation introduces beneficial bacteria, which can aid in digestion and overall gut health in animals, potentially improving nutrient absorption from the fermented kelp.

Reduction of Antinutritional Factors

Fermentation can reduce or eliminate certain antinutritional factors (like phytic acid) that can inhibit the absorption of minerals.

Price Guide

Choose your Supply Option

Note: Prices listed are a guide only. GST and shipping excluded. The prices indicated for Self-Operated Systems are after training and qualification. Tailored quotes are provided to ensure the most cost-effective supply option is arranged.  Click here to get a customised quote within 24 business hours.

Prefer to talk to someone?

0423 139 578

Liquid Seaweed Feed Supplement

Liquid Seaweed Livestock Supplement Storage

Store in a cool location away from direct sunlight.  SONIC Biological Products are best used within 3-6 months for maximum benefits. Do not store in diluted form.

Made-To-Order Liquid Seaweed Livestock Supplement is Supplied Fresh for Peak Efficacy and Shelf Life.

See What Farmers are Saying

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“Since we’ve being using SONIC and boom spraying on the pastures, the sheep are fat, and the grasses and clovers are all coming through really well now for them.”

Wayne & Sue Green

Pecan and Sheep Farmers, VALLEY VIEW PECANS

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“The sheep rarely have a problem with worms, and the quality of the grass is much better.”

Warren Wiggins

Organic Sheep Farmer, LOCAL DORPER LAMB

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“I think it’s doing a fantastic job!  We have had the best year with the most tree stress.”

Geoff Bugden

Certified Organic Pecan Farmer, WILSON RIVER PECANS

What Makes Probiotic Liquid Seaweed so Good for Animals?

Seaweed (Kelp), a marine plant, is rich in various beneficial compounds such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. When incorporated into the diet of livestock animals, it can have several positive effects on their overall health and performance.  Top 2 benefits include;


Prebiotics are non-digestible, selectively fermented compounds that stimulate the growth and/or activity of beneficial gut microbiota.  Seaweeds possess a wealth of bioactive compounds that have demonstrated various biological activities, such as antibacterial activity, antioxidant potential, anti-inflammatory properties, anti-coagulant activity, anti-viral activity and apoptotic activity.

“Prebiotic is a matrix that enables a probiotic to grow.”
– Dr Grant Richards BVSc 

The prebiotic properties of seaweed lead to improved digestion allowing animals to extract more nutrients from their feed, leading to better absorption and utilisation of essential nutrients. This means that animals fed with Probiotic Liquid Seaweed can efficiently absorb essential nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals from their diet.

Liquid Seaweed for Alpacas


Controlled research studies have demonstrated that the administration of probiotics can positively impact the gut health of animals. By promoting a healthy balance of gut bacteria, probiotics help improve digestion and nutrient absorption, leading to enhanced animal performance and productivity.

Probiotics enhance the ability of the gut to break down carbohydrates and release energy

Furthermore, live yeasts, also contained in SONIC Probiotic Liquid Seaweed, used in feed additives, has shown significant potential in improving animal health. Live yeasts can enhance rumen fermentation, increase fiber digestion, and optimise nutrient utilisation. This ultimately contributes to improved feed efficiency and overall animal well-being.


Images shows (magnified) colonies of lactic acid bacteria in SONIC Probiotic Liquid Seaweed.

Many years of research have gone into studying the benefits of using bacterial probiotics such as lactic acid bacteria for healthy ruminant and monogaastric animals.  One of the many findings on this subject, documented by F Chaucheyras-Durand and H. Durand, Wageningen Academic Publishers, include the following;

‘Due to increasing safety concerns about the risk of releasing antibiotic resistance in the environment, and the persistence of chemical residues in animal products, other strategies based on supplementation of more ‘natural’ products such as probiotics, have been developed to improve herd health and productivity.

Increasing amounts of scientific data are supporting the view that these products, which are defined as a source of live (viable) naturally occurring microorganisms, can beneficially affect the balance of GIT microbiota and that they have a real benefit in animal nutrition and health.’

– ‘Beneficial Microbes’ – F. Chaucheyras-Durand and H. Durand, Introduction
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Liquid Seaweed Mineral Nutrition for Horses

Liquid Seaweed Supplements for Horses

If you are looking for a way to enhance the minerals in your horse’s diet, consider 100% natural, Probiotic Liquid Seaweed, offering a full spectrum of essential minerals including organic iron, magnesium, and potassium, in a solution that can be easily added to your horse’s water or feed.

Liquid Seaweed


For Soil, Crops & Livestock

  • Seed Soaking Super Power– prepares seeds with beneficial microbes and seaweeds natural growth hormones.
  • Soil Conditionerhelps increase aeration, soil moisture-holding capacity, and nutrient cycling.
  • Enhance Soil with Balanced Minerals – offers naturally balanced organic minerals and microelements.
  • Boost Beneficial Soil Biology – feeds and activates beneficial soil microbes.
  • Protect Crops with Foliar Spray – coats leaf in beneficial bacteria, leaving no space or food, for pathogens.
  • Optmise Digestion for Livestock – delivers seaweeds balanced nutrients with natural probiotics to optimise digestion.


1. Improved Nutrition

SONIC Liquid Seaweed Kelp is rich in essential nutrients including iodine, which is essential for thyroid function in animals. Adequate iodine levels help regulate metabolism, growth, and energy levels. Adding Liquid Seaweed Supplements to livestock feed can enhance the overall nutritional value of their diet, leading to good health and productivity.

2. Enhanced Immune System

The bioactive compounds present in SONIC Liquid Seaweed Supplements help to boost the immune system, so animals can fight off disease and infections more effectively, reducing the need for antibiotics or other medications.

3. Increased Digestibility

SONIC Liquid Seaweed contains beneficial probiotic cultures that aid in digestion and improve nutrient absorption in animals. By including Probiotic Liquid Seaweed in livestock feed, animals can experience better digestion and utilisation of feed, resulting in improved growth rates.

4. Stress Reduction

Livestock often face various forms of stress such as transportation, changes in environment or diet, and exposure to pathogens. SONIC Liquid Seaweed has a calming effects on animals by reducing stress hormones like cortisol. This can promote better overall well-being and minimise negative impacts on performance.

5. Environmental Sustainability

SONIC Seaweed Kelp is from a renewable resource that is harvested without causing harm to marine ecosystems. By opting for SONIC Liquid Seaweed Supplements, farmers are contributing towards sustainable agriculture practices, while reaping the benefits for their animals.

Read article ‘Digestive Function of Livestock Key to Feed Efficiency’

Probiotic Liquid Seaweed Feed Supplement

Ready To Elevate Your Livestock Health?

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Liquid Seaweed Biofertiliser


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Enhance your Livestock Digestion
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Liquid Seaweed for Livestock


Liquid Seaweed Probiotic Supplement for Livestock

Beneficial for horses, cattle, sheep, goats, alpacas, chickens and pets