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Liquid Seaweed
Biological Fertiliser

Top 7 Benefits of using Seaweed in Regenerative Agriculture

Seaweed can improve soil quality, drought resistance, cold resistance, growth promotion, pest resistance, yield, and it’s 100% natural!

5 Ways to Build Soil Biology for Long Term Profitability

Building soil biology is a crucial aspect of sustainable agriculture and gardening practices. By encouraging the return of microbial life and...

Benefits of Using Fermentation to Produce Biological Fertilisers

Fermentation is a process that has been utilised for centuries in various industries, including the production of biofertilisers....

Cultivate Resilient Orchards Using Liquid Fish Hydrolysate

Crop resilience is a common goal for farmers following long-term visions.  As the resilience grows, the less the farmer has to work, and the...

How to Reduce Farm Odours with Beneficial Microbes

Livestock farmers are turning to innovative solutions to tackle the challenge of odour in animal enclosures. By harnessing the power of...

How to Improve Animal Gut Health for Enhanced Feed Conversions

Animal feed conversion is the ratio of the amount of an animal feedstuff consumed divided by the weight gain of the animal. The efficiency of...

Turning Fish Waste into Premium Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser

Tons of fish discards get thrown into landfill in Australia every year.  SONIC Natural Farming work to minimise fish waste by turning it into the best organic nitrogen fertiliser, Fish Hydrolysate.

Understanding Regenerative Agriculture: Benefits and Practices

Using natural farming methods, to grow food, has been around since man first 'mingled' with nature and required food to sustain himself, his...

8 Compelling Reasons to Choose SONIC On-Farm Production Services

Farmers stand to gain numerous benefits from utilising SONIC On-Farm Production Services to acess fresh Fish Hydrolysate and Liquid Seaweed...

How To Maximise Healthy Seed Germination

When it comes to seed germination, the treatment of seeds with biological fertilisers has shown promising results in terms of faster...

How to Increase Soil Fertility through Mixed-Species Planting

Multi-species planting and pasture cropping can provide a number of benefits to the soil, including improved soil structure, weed control,...

Maximize Livestock Nutrition with the Ultimate Nutrient-Dense Diet

The digestive system of ruminant animals is specially adapted to extract maximum nutrition from plants they have eaten.  The digestive system...

7 Reasons why Farmers are Shifting to Organic Nitrogen Fertilisers

As the world becomes increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability, many farmers are moving away from using chemical nitrogen and...

Why Your Soil Needs Biology More Than Minerals

Does adding minerals to the soil provide the same benefits to plants as building the soil biology? Beneficial microorganisms in the soil have...

The Vital Role of the Ocean in Agriculture: 3 Key Contributions

Fish and sea plants, like seaweed, spend its entire life cycle, immersed in a mineral rich bath, absorbing all the nutrients it needs to live, grow, and reproduce.

Enhance Rumen Microbiota in Calves with Probiotic Support

In the world of animal agriculture, the health and well-being of livestock is of utmost importance. When it comes to calves, ensuring their...

Top 2 Most Cost Effective Cover Crop and Pasture Cropping Tips

When it comes to cover crops and pasture cropping, the general rule of thought is, if you have healthy soil, you you have healthy plants.  This...

Livestock Digestive Function: The Key to Improving Feed Efficiency

Livestock digestive health plays a crucial role in optimising net profit per acre. One key aspect of livestock digestive health is feed...


Nourish Your Crops for Strong Roots and Nutrient-Rich Harvests 

Liquid Seaweed Kelp Minerals

Biological Fertiliser Uses

Beneficial for Seeds, Seedlings, Potted Plants, Vegetables, Orchards and Cropping


Supercharge your Soil Fertility and Increase Fungal Biomass

Liquid Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser

FIsh Hydrolysate Uses

Beneficial for Seeds, Seedlings, Potted Plants, Vegetables, Orchards and Cropping


Enhance your Livestock Digestion
for Optimal Feed Utilisation

Liquid Seaweed Kelp Minerals

Liquid Seaweed Probiotic Supplement for Livestock

Beneficial for horses, cattle, sheep, goats, alpacas, chickens and pets