Farmers Reviews

See how Australian farmers using SONIC Biological Solutions are noticing big improvements, from healthier soil to more resilient crops.

Valley View Pecans
Cooyal, NSW, Australia

Australian pecan and sheep farmers, at Valley View Pecans, are seeing better growth and resilience on their land, since using Liquid Fish and Seaweed Biofertilisers.

Wayne and Sue have been applying the biologically alive products, for one year, by foliar spray, irrigation, boom spray. They are also feeding SONIC Liquid Seaweed for Livestock to their sheep, and as Wayne puts it, “they are fat.” 

sonic stars


“You really can see the difference, just driving up the road. We’re happy, and it has actually saved us a lot of money on extra fertilisers.” 

Wayne & Sue Green

Pecan and Sheep Farmers, VALLEY VIEW PECANS

Kilburney Avocado Farm
Central Coast, NSW, Australia

Kilburney Farm produces commercial poultry and 5 hectares of avocado trees, first planted in October 2018.

The family farm uses regenerative farming principals in the avocado and citrus orchards, applying multi-species cover crops, mulching, and applying a combination of  SONIC Liquid Seaweed Biofertiliser and Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser, produced on-farm.

The avocado farm’s management team noted at the time of planting, that the avocado trees transplanted well, and attributed it to the preparation of mounding, using Liquid Biological Fertiliser, building soil fertility, and mulching.

Since 2018, the avocado farm has used only SONIC Biological Fertilisers, and they have not applied any weed spray or synthetic inputs.  The avocado trees have remained disease free, and were producing nutrient rich avocados, as early as the second season after planting.

Avocados and Biological Fertiliser

Avocado Tree planting 2018

5 ha avocado trees planted on mounds with hay mulch.  Irrigated and seeded with mixed cover crop seeds in between trees.  Fertiliser inputs include SONIC Fish Hydrolysate and Seaweed Biological Fertiliser.

avocado trees SONIC DIY FertilisersF


The avocado farm maintained mulching as required, applying approximate 4 month applications of SONIC Liquid Seaweed Biological Fertiliser and Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser.  Avocado trees have shown no signs of disease or blemishes on fruit.

Avocados Biological Fertilisers


Kilburney avocado farm maintains cover crops by slashing/mulching.  No signs of disease on the avocado trees, or blemishes on the fruit.

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“Since we started using SONIC Biological Fertiliser, in 2018, we’ve reduced our running costs, and seen nothing but happy healthy avocado trees.”

Jake Britten

4th Generation Farmer, KILBURNEY AVOCADO FARM

Tom and Carolyn Reeve – Mirum Creek Organics
Upper Orara, NSW, Australia

Tom and Carolyn from Mirum Creek Organics, near Coffs Harbour, NSW, have been producing certified organic garlic, ginger, turmeric and lemongrass for 12 years, and talk about their goal producing happy produce.

“We like to call our fresh produce “happy food” because our focus is to provide great soil, and all the nutrients and biology for the plants, to grow the way they want – thus happy!”

“If I give the soil the right nutrition, and I allow the complexity and the diversity in the soil, then the plants are going to be happy.  They are not going to be stressed.”

Above video; Tom from Mirum Creek Organics talks about some of his regenerative farming methods and soil inputs.
Click here to visit Mirum Creek Organics Website.

sonic natural farming stars


“There’s a lot of nutrients available in the ocean that are not available on the continent of Australia. We can bring them back by using things like fish hydrolysate and seaweed.”

Tom Reeve

Small Mixed Crop Farmer, MIRUM CREEK ORGANICS

Rod and Tania Bruin – Summit Organics
Tyalgum, NSW, Australia

Summit Organics at Northern Rivers, NSW, are a certified organic mixed crop farm using natural and regenerative farming methods, such as composting and using SONIC Liquid Seaweed Biological Fertiliser and Fish Hydrolysate.

Rod and Tania apply a combination of compost, with all natural inputs, to produce over 50 different vegetable and herb crops in a year.  Rod says he has noticed the quality, flavor and shelf life of their produce has dramatically improved as a result.

Visit Summit Organics Website for more details.

Above video; Rod Bruin from Summit Organics talks about some of his regenerative farming methods and their most used soil inputs. Visit Summit Organics website for more details.

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“If I see something once and something that dramatic, I know it’s got to be doing good.”

Rod and Tania Bruin

Small Mixed Crop Farmers, SUMMIT ORGANICS

Wilson River Pecans
Richmond Hill, NSW, Australia

Geoff Bugden from Wilson River Pecans has been pecan farming for 25 years, and with wife Debbie, they have been members of Pecans Australia since 2008. 

As a certified organic Pecan Farm, using regenerative farming principals, Geoff has been applying Fish Hydrolysate, using a Holistic spray regime on 10,000 Pecan Trees. 

Above video; Geoff Bugden from Wilson River Pecans talks about his success using Fish Hydrolysate on his pecan farm in Lismore, NSW.

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“I think it’s doing a fantastic job!  We have had the best year with the most tree stress.”

Geoff Bugden

Certified Organic Pecan Farmer, WILSON RIVER PECANS

Warren Wiggins – Local Dorper Lamb
Boorabee, NSW, Australia

Local Dorper Lamb in Binnaburra, Northern NSW, have been using Liquid Seaweed Minerals for 300-400 dorper sheep and their horses.

For over 4 years, using Probiotic Liquid Seaweed, Warren noticed the sheep were healthier with less worms and the pastures showed more resilience from the healthy ‘biological droppings’ that the sheep spread around.

Warrens adds the Liquid Seaweed to the sheeps trough 2-4 times per month on average, changing with the animals needs.

Above video; Warren from Local Dorper Lamb talks about the improvement in his sheep while using Probiotic Liquid Seaweed.

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“The sheep rarely have a problem with worms, and the quality of the grass is much better.”

Warren Wiggins

Organic Sheep Farmer, LOCAL DORPER LAMB

Jude Belnick – Mixed Crop Grower
Bellingen, NSW, Australia

“I have been using Sonic Natural Farming fermented Biological Fertilisers for a couple of years.  From the beginning of starting my vegetable garden, I was able to grow amazing cauliflowers and broccoli, notoriously heavy feeders, without much effort at all.

I stopped using the fertilisers for a period of time and immediately noticed a difference in the quality of my vegetables.  I also find applying the liquid fertiliser so much easier than lugging heavy compost, so great for my fruit trees too!”

Organic Farming

sonic natural farming stars


“I stopped using the fertilisers for a period of time and immediately noticed a difference in the quality of my vegetables.”

Jude Belnick

Home Grower

Liquid Biological Fertiliser Spray Methods
SONIC Biological Fertiliser

At SONIC Natural Farming, we’re dedicated to helping farmers easily access Biological Fertilisers, at the same time as saving big!

Our On-Farm Production Services drastically cuts down on transportation costs, putting more money back in your pocket. Plus, by reusing packaging on the farm, we reduce plastic waste and packaging expenses, offering you even greater savings.

But that’s not all—our Production and Training Packages empower you to produce your own Biological Fertiliser, making it the most unbeatable and cost-effective solution in the Australian organic fertiliser market today.

Want to see how we can help you beat the high cost of fertiliser?

0423 139 578

Top 4 Roles of Regenerative Farmers

The role of natural farmers in regenerative agriculture is crucial for the sustainable development of Australia’s agricultural sector. Natural farmers adopt farming practices that prioritise the health and well-being of the land, plants, animals, and ultimately, the consumers.

1. Soil Health Management

Unlike conventional farming methods that heavily rely on synthetic inputs such as pesticides and chemical fertilisers, natural farmers focus on building healthy soil ecosystems.

Soil health management is crucial for sustainable and environmentally-friendly agricultural practices. Natural farmers prioritise the use of organic and natural methods to cultivate crops, avoiding synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms.

Seeding with Biological Fertiliser

Through implementing practices such as organic matter management, crop rotation, and minimal tillage, farmers enhance soil fertility, promote biodiversity, and reduce erosion. Instead, these techniques help to replenish nutrients in the soil, enhance its structure, and promote beneficial microbial activity.

Furthermore, natural farmers prioritise biodiversity on their farms. By growing a variety of crops and incorporating native plants into their fields, they create habitats for beneficial insects and wildlife. This helps to control pests naturally without relying on chemical interventions.

Natural Farmers

Photo Credit: Sustainable Farms

2. Water Preservation

Natural farmers play a significant role in reducing water pollution by avoiding the use of synthetic fertiliers, pesticides, and herbicides. Instead, they utilise organic alternatives such as biological fertiliser, compost and natural pest control methods.

Natural farming practices prioritise the use of organic and sustainable methods to cultivate crops and raise livestock. By doing so, they prevent harmful chemicals from leaching into nearby water sources, safeguarding water quality for both humans and wildlife.

Furthermore, natural farmers often implement techniques that promote water conservation. They employ practices like rainwater harvesting, drip irrigation systems, and soil moisture monitoring to optimize water usage on their farms. These methods help minimise excessive water consumption while ensuring that crops receive adequate hydration.

In addition to their direct efforts in preserving water quality, natural farmers also contribute indirectly by promoting soil health. Healthy soils act as natural filters that prevent contaminants from reaching groundwater or nearby streams. By prioritising organic matter enrichment and minimising soil erosion, through practices like cover cropping and crop rotation, natural farmers indirectly protect the quality of surrounding bodies of water.

Overall, the role of the natural farmer in preserving water quality is multifaceted. Through their commitment to organic practices, conservation techniques, and soil health promotion, they play a vital part in maintaining a sustainable agricultural system that minimises pollution risks to our precious water resources.

3. Animal Welfare

One of the key roles of a natural farmer is to provide animals with a natural and stress-free environment. They focus on creating spacious and comfortable living conditions, allowing animals to exhibit their natural behaviors. This includes providing ample space for movement, access to fresh air and sunlight, as well as opportunities for social interaction within their herds or flocks.

Grazing and Biological Fertiliser

Furthermore, natural farmers prioritise the use of organic feed, natural feed supplements and avoid the use of antibiotics or hormones in animal production. They understand that feeding animals a diet that closely mimics their natural food sources is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

Natural farmers often employ rotational grazing methods. This practice involves moving animals to different pastures regularly, allowing the land to regenerate naturally while preventing overgrazing. By doing so, they ensure that animals have access to fresh grasses and plants while promoting soil fertility.

Overall, the role of a natural farmer in animal welfare is centered around creating an environment that respects and supports the innate needs of animals. Through sustainable practices and ethical treatment, they contribute to healthier livestock populations while also producing high-quality products for consumers who value animal welfare standards.

In addition to their environmental contributions, natural farmers also play a pivotal role in educating consumers about sustainable agriculture practices. They engage with local communities through farmer’s markets or direct-to-consumer sales channels to promote awareness about the benefits of regenerative agriculture and encourage support for local food systems.

Nutrient Dense Food

4. Nutrient Dense Food Production

Nutrient-dense foods offer numerous health benefits and contribute to overall well-being.The role of the natural farmer in nutrient-dense food production is crucial for promoting sustainable and healthy agricultural practices.

By nurturing the soil through regenerative farming practices, natural farmers ensure that crops are grown in nutrient-rich environments. This results in higher-quality produce that is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients.

Moreover, natural farmers often prioritise local distribution channels and direct-to-consumer sales. This reduces carbon emissions associated with long-distance transportation while supporting local economies. By fostering relationships between consumers and producers, natural farmers create a sense of transparency and trust around food production methods.

Overall, natural farmers are key players in regenerative agriculture in Australia. Their commitment to sustainable farming practices benefits both the environment and consumers by promoting healthier ecosystems while providing nutritious food options.  While the role of the natural farmer in nutrient-dense food production is multifaceted, their commitment to sustainable farming practices not only yields healthier crops but also contributes to environmental preservation and community well-being.

The Future of Sustainable Soil Care

Maximise Your Soil’s Potential
with ‘Living’ Liquid Fertiliser