The ocean provides an abundant natural resource of rich minerals, and contains much more than sodium salt; about 84 elements have been detected in ordinary seawater.

Fish and sea plants, like seaweed, spend its entire life cycle, immersed in this mineral rich bath, absorbing all the nutrients it needs to live, grow, and reproduce.

In this article we share our top two best natural fertilisers made from ocean rich minerals; Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser and Liquid Seaweed Fertiliser.

How the Ocean Contributes to Agriculture

Minerals from the sea can be optimally harnessed to make tried and tested fertilisers and soil amendments that build soil health.

Cold processing (fermentation) fish or seaweed using living beneficial cultures, produces a premium liquid concentrate such as Liquid Fish Fertiliser (Hydrolysate) and Liquid Seaweed Biological Fertiliser.

fish hydrolysate


Fish Protein: Ocean Minerals and Protein for Plants

Fish has been feeding millions of humans and animals world-wide for millenia.  Fish discards, or leftovers from the fish food industry, offer a wide range of benefits for soil health and the promotion of healthy plants and trees.

Cold processed Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser contains trace elements, beneficial oils and naturally balanced minerals, with high levels of organic nitrogen, making it an excellent choice for improving soil fertility, plant growth, and for growing nutrient dense food.


Organic nitrogen plays a significant role in the effectiveness of naturally fermented fish hydrolysate fertiliser



How is Fish Discards Turned into Fertiliser?

Fish hydrolysate is derived from the process of breaking down fish waste and scraps into a nutrient-rich solution. This biological fertiliser contains essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are vital for plant growth.

In particular, the presence of organic nitrogen in fish hydrolysate makes it an excellent choice for promoting healthy plant development.

Organic nitrogen is derived from organic matter and is released slowly over time, providing a sustained source of nutrients for plants. This slow-release characteristic ensures that plants receive a steady supply of nitrogen without the risk of nutrient burn or leaching.

The use of fish hydrolysate as a liquid fertiliser offers several benefits;

  • Bio-available Nutrients

Firstly, fish hydrolysate provides readily available nutrients to plants in a form that can be easily absorbed, optimising plant strength and growth.

  • Feeds Beneficial Microbes and Fungi

Secondly, the organic nature of fish hydrolysate enhances soil health by improving its structure and increasing microbial and fungal activity. This results in improved nutrient uptake and overall plant vigor.

  • Environmentally Friendly

Furthermore, fish hydrolysate serves as an environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic fertilisers. By utilising waste products from the fishing industry, it reduces waste and promotes sustainability.

  • Source of Protein for Plants

In addition to delivering organic minerals, Fish Hydrolysate also contains proteins that can contribute to soil and plant health. These proteins act as a source of energy for beneficial microbes and fungi in the soil, promoting their growth and activity.


When soil microbes thrive, they enhance nutrient cycling, and their networks improve soil structure, and suppress harmful pathogens

Overall, using organic fish hydrolysate fertiliser makes an effective and sustainable choice as a liquid fertiliser for promoting healthy plant growth and naturally enhancing soil fertility, while protecting the natural environment.

seaweed biological fertiliser

Seaweed: Ocean Minerals for Plants and Soil

Alongside the mineral rich source of fish from the sea, seaweed has gained significant attention due to its ability to improve soil health and crop yields while minimising environmental impact.

In recent years the results of scientific research provided evidence that seaweed microelements are considerably higher than in terrestrial plants.

Seaweed absorbs minerals from the surrounding seawater, making it an excellent source of essential trace elements. These trace elements include iodine, iron, zinc, manganese, and copper, among others. The unique composition of minerals in seaweed ensures a naturally balanced ratio of minerals reaches the soil.

Biological Fermentation Enhances Ocean Minerals

Biological Fertiliser and Livestock Feed Supplements

Naturally fermented Seaweed Fertiliser offers a range of benefits due to its organic minerals and trace elements. This type of liquid fertiliser, also known as liquid seaweed or seaweed biological fertiliser, is produced using a cold fermentation process to liquify the seaweed.

One of the key advantages of using naturally fermented seaweed fertiliser is its high nutrient content. Seaweed is rich in essential minerals and trace elements that are beneficial for plant growth and development.

The organic nature of this type of fertiliser makes it an environmentally friendly choice for gardeners and farmers. It does not contain synthetic minerals, chemicals or harmful additives that can have negative impacts on soil health or water quality.

Naturally Fermented Seaweed Fertiliser has been found to enhance soil fertility and improve plant resilience against pests and disease

Seaweed fertiliser promotes root development, increases nutrient uptake efficiency, and stimulates overall plant growth.

Ocean Minerals Enhanced with Beneficial Biology

Liquid Seaweed Biological Fertiliser is not only known for its nutritional content but also for its microbial qualities that enable dormant beneficial microorganisms in the soil to switch on. These liquid biologicals play a crucial role in maintaining the health and vitality of various soil ecosystems.

Gardeners and farmers can use liquid seaweed as a foliar spray or apply it directly to the soil. Its easy application method makes it convenient for both small-scale gardening projects as well as larger agricultural operations.

In summary, the use of natural seaweed fertiliser provides a source of organic minerals and trace elements that can significantly benefit plant growth.

Its effectiveness as a biological fertiliser makes it a popular choice among environmentally conscious individuals and Australian farmers and growers seeking sustainable solutions for their gardening or farming needs.


Seaweed Supplement for Livestock

Kelp Minerals for Livestock

Furthermore, seaweed has also proven to be an excellent supplement for livestock. Its balanced, full spectrum of minerals provides animals with essential nutrients necessary for optimal growth and health.

When these minerals are unlocked through fermentation, Probiotic Liquid Seaweed Livestock Feed Supplements help to improve the animals’ digestion, strengthen immune systems, and promote overall well-being.


Studies show Seaweed improves digestion and strengthens immunity in animals

Livestock, getting regular doses of natural Liquid Seaweed Supplements, also fertilise the grounds that they graze, adding ocean minerals and trace elements to the soil.


Biologically Enhanced Ocean Minerals

Natural fermentation using beneficial microorganisms, are methods sometimes used in the production of liquid fertilisers. By converting these minerals into soluble forms, through biological fermentation, ensures that the essential nutrients, and other beneficial compounds, are retained in their natural form and in a biologically available state.

The Benefits of Naturally Fermented Fertiliser

Liquid fertilisers produced through natural fermentation have several advantages over traditional chemical fertilisers.

  • Higher Concentration of Organic Minerals

Firstly, these products retain a higher concentration of organic nutrients due to minimal loss during production.

Organic Fertilisers allows plants to access a wider range of organic elements for their growth and development

  • Bio-available Minerals: Easy to Absorb by Plants 

Additionally, the retention of nutrients in their natural form allows for better absorption by plants. The organic compounds present in these liquid fertilisers promote soil health by improving microbial activity and nutrient availability. This contributes to enhanced plant growth, increased resistance to diseases and pests, as well as improved overall crop yield.

  • Environmentally Friendly

Furthermore, the use of natural fermentation and cold processing methods ensures that these liquid fertilisers are environmentally friendly. They have substantially lower carbon footprints compared to chemical alternatives since they are derived from renewable sources like seaweed or fish waste..

The use of minerals from the sea not only benefits farms, farmers and our food chain, but contributes to sustainable practices by utilising renewable resources from our oceans.

As we continue to explore the potential of these natural ocean resources, it is evident that nature’s generosity knows no bounds when it comes to providing valuable minerals that support our well-being and nourish the planet.


Regenerative Farming Educational Videos

Avocado Farming using Biological Fertilisers

Kilburney Avocado Farm – Regenerative avocado farming using SONIC Fish Hydrolysate and Seaweed Biological Fertiliser.  Read Farmer Review

Regenerative Pecan Farming using Biological Fertiliser

Wilson River Pecans – Certified Organic Pecan Farm using Fish Hydrolysate.  Read Review

“There’s a lot of nutrients available in the ocean that are not available on the continent of Australia. We can bring them back by using things like fish hydrolysate and seaweed.”

Tom Reeve - Mirum Creek Organics, Upper Orara, NSW, Australia

SONIC Natural Farming


Ocean Nutrition for Soil, Crop & Livestock
Fish Hydrolysate | Liquid Seaweed

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