Farmers stand to gain numerous benefits from utilising SONIC On-Farm Production Services to acess fresh Fish Hydrolysate and Liquid Seaweed Biofertiliser and Minerals Supplement for Livestock. These On-Farm Services offer a range of advantages that can positively impact both the environment and the farmers’ bottom line.

In this article you will discover 8 compelling reasons to choose SONIC On-Farm Production Services and the benefits it can deliver for your agricultural enterprise.

1. Unlock Product Cost Savings

One of the key benefits of utilising a SONIC On-Farm Production System, is the product cost savings. By having natural Liquid Biological Fertiliser produced on-farm, farmers can significantly reduce their expenses compared to purchasing commercial fertilisers.


On-Farm Production Services provide farmers with multiple cost savings

Not only can commercial organic fertilisers be expensive, but farmers often have to buy them in smaller quantities due to limited storage space or financial constraints. This results in higher per-unit costs for the fertiliser.

However, by having their own fertilisers produced on-farm, farmers can produce large annual quantities in successive batches, receiving bulk supply savings at a lower cost per unit.

Furthermore, using natural ingredients to produce Biological Fertilisers, such as Australian seaweed (kelp) or ocean fish (discards from processing), not only reduces costs, compared to commercial feriliser, but also provides outstanding benefits for soil health and crop growth.


SONIC On-Farm Production Services

2. Eliminate Product Delivery Costs

Traditional supply chains often involve long-distance transportation of fertiliser products from manufacturing facilities to distribution centers, and then to retailers or directly to farmers.

This transportation process incurs additional expenses in terms of fuel, logistics, and handling fees. However, by having Biological Fertilisers produced on-farm, farmers can eliminate or significantly reduce these costs.

On-Farm Production Services help farmers save on product transportation costs

The reduced shipping of goods also has environmental benefits as it minimises carbon emissions associated with long-haul transportation. By adopting an on-farm production approach, farmers can contribute towards sustainable agriculture practices by reducing their carbon footprint.

On-Farm Production of Biological Fertilisers, therefore, empowers farmers with greater control over product costs, while simultaneously reducing product transportation.

SONIC Biological Fertiliser

3. Access Fresh ‘Living’ Soil Care Products

Localised and On-Farm Production of Biological Fertilisers offers numerous benefits to farmers including reduced transportation costs and greater control over product freshness.

On-Farm Production ensures your products are biologically active when applied to crops

Unlike commercially produced fertilisers that may have a longer shelf life due to the addition of preservatives, SONIC Biological Fertilisers are most effective when used soon after they have finished processing. This ensures that the microorganisms are at their peak activity, maximising their effectiveness in promoting healthy soil and plant growth.

4. Receive Additional By-Products from Processing

SONIC fully operated On-Farm Production Systems and Services offer a sustainable and eco-friendly approach to agricultural practices. These systems are designed to produce no harmful by-products or pollution, making them an environmentally conscious choice for farmers.

One of the key benefits of these fermentation systems is their ability to provide useful by-products, that can be utilised in a number of beneficial ways.

The by-products generated can be utilised on-farm as animal feed supplements, contributing to a circular economy approach.  They can be used as alternate fertilisers, such as a slow-release fertiliser, ensuring a steady supply of nutrients to plants over time.  The by-products can also be used as effective compost activators.


Maximises resource utilisation through useful by-products


Rather than being wasted or discarded, these by-products are immediately repurposed, on-farm. This not only reduces waste but also provides valuable resources for the farm further enhancing their cost savings and sustainability.

Bio-available Seaweed By-product

Biologically activated seaweed by-product, leftover from processing SONIC Livestock Liquid Minerals and Biological Fertiliser. (Above image).  By-product is used directly on farm at the completion of a batch, as feed supplement, slow release fertiliser, or compost activator/mineraliser.

5. Reduce Plastic Container Use and Waste

SONIC On-Farm Production Services play a significant role in addressing the issue of plastic packaging waste. One way they contribute to reducing this waste is through recycling containers used on-farm. These fertilisers are made from organic materials and are not harmful, therefore the storage and fermentation containers can be washed and reused.

On-Farm Production reduces reliance on single-use plastic packaging

This shift towards more sustainable farming practices can result in substantial cost savings for farmers, as they no longer need to purchase and dispose of large quantities of plastic containers.

Rather than contributing to landfill waste, part of SONIC On-Farm Production Services is to save used containers and recycle them for future use. This approach helps to further reduce the amount of single-use plastic waste generated by agricultural activities.

Overall, On-Farm Production Services offer a practical solution to the problem of plastic packaging waste in agriculture. By embracing On-Farm Biological Fertiliser Production, and implementing recycling initiatives, farmers can make significant strides towards a more sustainable, economically viable, and environmentally friendly farming industry.

Sinfle-use plastic waste

6. Time-Saving and Efficient Production Services

SONIC On-Farm Production offers a comprehensive solution for farmers by covering all aspects of boots on the ground operation.  One key benefit of this system is the customised schedule, which contributes greatly to enhancing efficiency in the production of Biological Fertilisers, on-farm.

An efficient solution for busy farmers without compromising their already demanding schedules

Traditionally, farmers have relied on commercially available fertilisers that are manufactured off-site. This process often involves transportation costs and delays, which can be both time-consuming and expensive. However, with SONIC On-Farm Production, farmers can save valuable time by eliminating the need to wait for deliveries or travel to purchase fertilisers.

This is particularly advantageous for busy farmers who have limited time to spare. With SONIC Natural Farming unique scheduling system, the process becomes highly efficient and does not tax any time from the already busy farmer.

The convenience of having Biological Fertilisers produced on-farm eliminates the need for farmers to rely on external suppliers or spend extra time sourcing and transporting fertilisers. This not only saves time but also allows farmers to have greater control over their production process.

7. Quality Assurance Guaranteed

When it comes to Biological Fertilisers, farmers can find peace of mind with SONIC Natural Farming. With over 10 years of experience producing Biological Fertilisers,  consistent, high-quality products are guaranteed every time.

Quality control measures ensure each batch meets the highest standard

Farmers can be assured of guaranteed outcomes. The company’s commitment to consistency in quality means that farmers can rely on their fertilisers for purity, with no added preservatives or synthetic minerals used to bump up the analysis.

With SONIC Natural Farming’s expertise and dedication to producing 100% natural Biological Fertilisers, farmers can relax knowing that they are using a trusted brand that prioritises quality control and guarantees purity of ingredients in every batch.

Biofertiliser Production and Training

12 Barrel System, producing 4,500L/yr SONIC Liquid Fish and Liquid Seaweed Biological Fertiliser, in operation for cattle farmers, Glen Innes, NSW.  (Above image).

8. Eco-Friendly Products and Production

The use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides has been found to have detrimental effects on various aspects of our environment. These impacts include the health of the soil, plants, animals, waterways, and even the food chain.

SONIC’s fully operated, eco-friendly Production Systems do not generate any harmful by-products or pollution. One of the key components of this system is the use of entirely natural ingredients instead of chemical or synthetic ones. These fertilisers are derived from natural ocean sources of seaweed (kelp) and fish (leftover from processing). They provide essential nutrients to plants while also improving soil health and fertility.

By adopting SONIC On-Farm Production Services, farmers can reduce their reliance on store bought chemical fertilisers and pesticides, thereby minimising their impact on the environment.

Produce Biofertilisers On-Farm – no grid power required

Overall, embracing eco-friendly solutions can help protect our soil, plants, animals, waterways, and ultimately safeguard the entire food chain from harmful pollutants associated with conventional farming methods using chemical inputs.

By having their own Biological Fertilisers produced on-farm using natural ingredients, farmers can significantly reduce their expenses compared to purchasing commercial fertilisers. This cost-saving measure allows them to allocate resources more efficiently while also promoting sustainable farming practices through the use of organic soil amendments.

For more information about SONIC On-Farm Production Services Australia, and availability for your farm, Contact Customer Support or Schedule a (free) STRATEGY CALL

SONIC Natural Farming

On-Farm Production
& Bulk Supplies

Seaweed Biological Fertiliser and Fish Hydrolysate

Innovative Biological Solutions for Soil, Crop & Livestock

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