Liquid fish hydrolysate is an effective tool for orchardists looking to build resilience in their crops. As a natural biostimulant, fish hydrolysate helps plants withstand environmental stresses and bolster their overall health. By applying this nutrient-rich solution, growers can support optimal fruit development and enhance the long-term viability of their orchards.
Cultivating resilience in orchards is a common goal for farmers following long-term visions. As the resilience grows, the less the farmer has to work, and the more they can allow for the natural eco-system to function independantly.
For crops to withstand and recover from environmental stresses such as drought, pests, and disease, the number one key, farmers are discovering, is building soil biology and using soil amendments that support, rather than harm, our helpful soil microorganisms.
A Pecan Farm with Resilience
Geoff and Debbie Bugden, from Wilson River Pecans have been pecan nut growers for 25 years. As successful commercial organic pecan growers, since 2008, they have seen many changes in Australia’s environmental conditions, and had many years of experience and learning, applying natural farming methods.
We caught up with Geoff recently at his farm in Boat Harbour near Lismore, NSW, just after he had completed nearly 2 seasons of applying a holistic spray regime using Fish Hydrolysate on his Orchard, and we were keen to find out his results!

Wilson River Pecans, near Lismore, NSW Australia, (Above image).
Taking the Holistic Approach
Geoff’s spray regime consisted of applying 1000 Litres of Fish Hydrolysate to his 10,000 pecan trees, once a month. After the leaf dropped, another strong dilution of Fish Hydrolysate was applied, coating the trunk and branches in beneficial oils, and becoming what Geoff described as a natural protective barrier to pathogens.
Alongside applying natural Liquid Fish Hydrolysate, Geoff followed natural farming practices, like multi-species cover cropping and moving his cattle to allow them to graze the orchards.

Annually, Geoff has his leaf tested for black spot, or anthracnose, a problematic fungal disease in pecan farming. After completing over 12 months of foliar spraying, in 2020, and having their regular leaf analysis, Geoffs said, “This year our leaf remained ‘pristine’.
“This year our leaf remained pristine” says Geoff
Geoff attributes the result to management practices, natural inputs, and the powerful “Microbial fish spray.” that he is applying to the pecan trees. Using a combination of cover cropping, bringing diversity to the ground around the trees, allowing animals in, to help with fertilisation, and by using natural inputs, all contribute to creating a healthy eco-system.
“We have had the best year, with the most tree stress”
The use of a holistic approach has resulted in a pristine leaf analysis for Wilson River Pecans. This indicates that the trees are receiving optimal nutrition and are thriving under this environmentally friendly farming method.
Geoff and Debbie Bugden’s commitment to holistic orchard farming showcases their dedication to sustainable agriculture practices while producing high-quality organic pecan nuts. Their success serves as an inspiration for other farmers looking to adopt similar methods in their own operations.
How does Fish Hydrolysate work?
Liquid Fish Hydrolysate is derived from a cold fermentation breakdown of fish waste and contains essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients are readily available to plants, promoting healthy growth and development.
Firstly, it provides an organic source of nutrients that supports the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. This helps improve soil structure and fertility over time.
Additionally, Fish Hydrolysate contains trace elements like calcium, magnesium, and sulfur that are vital for plant health.
One of the unique ways naturally fermented Fish Hydrolysate works, according to Geoff, is the fish oils stick to the leaf, trunk and branches of the trees, coating them with active beneficial microbes. When pathogens land on the tree, the beneficial microbes outcompete them for food and space.
Furthermore, Liquid Fish Hydrolysate is an environmentally friendly option for farmers committed to sustainable practices. It reduces reliance on synthetic fertilisers which can contribute to water pollution and harm beneficial organisms in the ecosystem.
Fungal Support
Cold-processed Fish Hydrolysate is a well known food source for beneficial fungi.
Trees and orchards have been shown to be more resilient when they have mycorrhizal fungal networks under the ground. Fungi are crucial for forming these underground networks that the biology uses to perform nutrient cycling, plant immunity, and communication between microorganisms (like a microbial internet).
Biologically active Liquid Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser delivers organic nitrogen, proteins, beneficial oils and bio-available minerals and trace elements, and SONIC Natural Farming produce 100% natural Fish Hydrolysate with no additives, fillers or preservatives.
Geoff learned the techniques and holistic spray regimes that he applied on his organic pecan farm from reading about the experience of Michael Phillips, and the author’s success growing organic apples. To learn about Geoff’s Holistic spray regime he recommends reading the book Mycorrhizal Planet by Michael Phillips.
The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as professional advice. Each farming situation is unique, and we encourage farmers to assess their individual circumstances before making any decisions. The insights shared here are based on our direct experience and independent research. We have compiled this information to support and guide farmers exploring regenerative farming practices in Australia, but it is always advisable to seek advice tailored to your specific needs and conditions.

Liquid Fish Hydrolysate
with Beneficial Microbes

5 Best Benefits: Liquid Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser
Using Liquid Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser can provide numerous benefits for your crops and orchards. Here are our top 5 advantages of incorporating this organic fertiliser into your spray routine.
1. Nutrient-rich and Bio-available
Liquid Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser is a nutrient-rich and microbial-rich product made using a natural cold-process to breakdown the fish.
One of the key benefits of Liquid Fish Hydrolysate is its high nutrient content. It contains a balanced blend of macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as micronutrients like calcium, magnesium, and iron. These nutrients are readily available to plants in a form that is easily absorbed.
In addition to its nutrient content, Liquid Fish Hydrolysate also contains beneficial microorganisms. These microbes play a crucial role in soil health by improving its structure and fertility. They help break down organic matter, releasing nutrients for plant uptake and enhancing overall soil health.
2. All Natural and Sustainable
SONIC Liquid Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser is an entirely organic fertiliser that provides a wide range of essential nutrients that plants need for healthy growth.
Derived from sustainable marine sources, Liquid Fish Hydrolysate makes an environmentally friendly choice. It is produced through a natural biological fermentation process that breaks down fish waste into a nutrient-rich, chelated liquid. The organic nature of this product makes it safe to use around children, animals, and wildlife.
3. Improves Soil Health and Fertility
The application of Liquid Fish Hydrolysate can enhance soil fertility by replenishing important trace elements and micronutrients that may be lacking in the soil.
One of the key benefits of using Liquid Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser is its ability to promote the growth of soil fungi. Fungi play a crucial role in the communication between soil microbes and plants. By providing a food source for these fungi, Liquid Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser helps create an environment where they can thrive and perform their vital functions.
In addition to supporting soil fungi, this type of fertiliser also nurtures beneficial biology in the soil. Beneficial bacteria and microorganisms play important roles in nutrient cycling, disease suppression, and overall plant health. Liquid Fish Hydrolysate provides them with a rich source of nutrients, helping to enhance their populations and improve soil health.
4. Increases Plant Resilience
Liquid Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser is a powerful tool for cultivating plant resilience and promoting healthy soil microbial activity.
One of the key advantages of Liquid Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser is its ability to nourish soil microbes. These microscopic organisms play a crucial role in breaking down organic matter, releasing essential nutrients, and improving soil structure. By providing a readily available food source for these microbes, the fertiliser helps to create a thriving microbial community in the soil, and enhance the ability for plants to withstand environmental stresses such as drought or disease.
Furthermore, liquid fish hydrolysate fertiliser contains natural bioactive compounds such as amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, and growth hormones. These bioactive substances can stimulate plant metabolism and improve nutrient uptake efficiency. They also contribute to the development of strong root systems and increased resistance against pests and diseases.
5. Versatile Applications
The low odor of Fish Hydrolysate, compared to emulsions, makes it more appealing for use in various applications. It can be used as a foliar spray, soil drench, or added directly to irrigation systems without causing unpleasant smells. Liquid Fish Hydrolysate can be used on various types of plants including pasture grasses, herbs, vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, and shrubs.
SONIC Liquid Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser offers several benefits including improved plant nutrition, organic sustainability, enhanced soil health, increased plant resilience, and versatile application methods. By incorporating this 100% natural fertiliser into your spraying routine, you can look forward to promoting healthy plants and achieving abundant harvests.