7 Time-Tested Natural Organic Fertilisers for Any Farm

7 Time-Tested Natural Organic Fertilisers for Any Farm

If you’re looking to boost your farm’s productivity without breaking the bank, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll delve into seven time-tested, cost-effective, organic fertilisers that have been the backbone of sustainable farming for generations. From...
Biological Seed Treatment: Benefits and Methods

Biological Seed Treatment: Benefits and Methods

Seeds are the tiny powerhouses that hold the potential for life and growth. They symbolise new beginnings, hope, and the cycle of nature. From the seeds we plant in our soil to the seeds we consume in our food, they play a crucial role in sustaining life on our...
Heat Stress In Plants: Prevention and Recovery

Heat Stress In Plants: Prevention and Recovery

When plants are exposed to periods of high heat stress, it can have detrimental effects on their growth and overall health. However, one effective management strategy to help plants recover from heat stress is to provide them with an abundance of energy in the form of...
7 Cost-Effective Ways To Improve your Soil Fertility

7 Cost-Effective Ways To Improve your Soil Fertility

Soil fertility is the foundation of a thriving garden or farm, yet many overlook the delicate balance required to maintain it. Imagine your plants bursting with health, producing bountiful yields without the constant need for synthetic inputs. Achieving this dream is...
Discover the Top 6 Benefits of Regenerative Farming

Discover the Top 6 Benefits of Regenerative Farming

Regenerative agriculture is gaining traction worldwide, and Australia is no exception. This innovative approach to farming offers numerous benefits that go beyond conventional agricultural practices. The distinguishing factor of the regenerative farming philosophy is...
How To Grow Your Own Organic Garlic in Australia

How To Grow Your Own Organic Garlic in Australia

To grow organic garlic in Australia requires a bit of planning. By following the right steps, however, you can cultivate a healthy crop of nutrient rich garlic without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilisers. In this article, we share some effective methods and...
How The Ocean Supports Agriculture: 3 Key Contributions

How The Ocean Supports Agriculture: 3 Key Contributions

Fish and sea plants, like seaweed, spend its entire life cycle, immersed in this mineral rich bath, absorbing all the nutrients it needs to live, grow, and reproduce.  In this article we explore the vital role of the ocean in agriculture, providing mineral rich fish...
How To Boost Seed Germination using Biological Fertiliser

How To Boost Seed Germination using Biological Fertiliser

When it comes to seed germination, the treatment of seeds with biological fertilisers has shown excellent results in terms of faster germination rates. Biological Fertilisers, also known as natural fertilisers, are derived from organic sources such as seaweed, fish,...
Maximise Cost-Savings with On-Farm Biofertiliser Production

Maximise Cost-Savings with On-Farm Biofertiliser Production

Farmers stand to gain numerous benefits from utilising SONIC On-Farm Production Services to acess fresh Fish Hydrolysate and Liquid Seaweed Biofertiliser and Minerals Supplement for Livestock. These On-Farm Services offer a range of advantages that can positively...