Biological Solutions for Poultry Farming

Liquid Seaweed and fish for Organic Poultry Farming

Diverse Pastures for Chickens

Healthy soil is the backbone of any successful free-range poultry farming system. One of the key ways to build robust soil biology is by encouraging a diversity of grasses in your pastures. This diversity fuels the soil food web and supports a flourishing microbial community.

The secret lies in photosynthesis. Different grass species have varying photosynthetic pathways, allowing them to capture and convert sunlight into sugars in unique ways. These sugars are then exuded from the grass roots and feed the soil microbes.

The more diverse the pasture, the greater the variety of sugars available to soil bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms

This nourishes a thriving, balanced soil food web that can cycle nutrients, improve soil structure, and make nutrients available to plants.

Incorporating a mix of cool-season and warm-season grasses, as well as broadleaf plants, is an excellent way to maximise the photosynthetic potential of your poultry grazing pastures.

Multi-Species Cover Crops

Nutrient Dense Pastures for Chickens

By encouraging a diverse array of grasses, farmers can create the ideal conditions for a thriving soil microbiome.

The underground ecosystem of bacteria, fungi, and other organisms plays a vital role in nutrient cycling, water retention, and overall soil health

One effective way to enhance pasture diversity is through the strategic application of Liquid Biological Fertilisers. These natural, soil amendments introduce a concentrated dose of beneficial microbes that can colonise the soil and support the growth of a wide range of healthy grasses for your poultry.

As the pasture grasses thrive, they contribute organic matter and exudates that feed the soil food web. This, in turn, improves the availability of healthy grass, bugs and worms, leading to a more diverse range of food for your chickens.

Implementing a diverse pasture system supported by Liquid Biological Fertilisers is a key strategy in free-range chicken farming. By nurturing the soil’s natural processes, chicken farmers can create a self-sustaining ecosystem that benefits both the land and the animals that call it home.

Liquid Seaweed Benefits for Pasture Improvement

Liquid Seaweed is rich in essential minerals such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements. These nutrients play a vital role in promoting plant growth and development.

Additionally, Liquid Seaweed contains natural plant hormones like auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins that stimulate root growth, plant immunity, and nutrient density.

Liquid Biological Fertiliser
Liquid Fish Hydrolysate

Liquid Fish Benefits for Pasture Improvement

Liquid Fish Fertiliser is made from fish discards from processing. It is a potent source of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, and trace minerals.

Cold processed Biofertilisers deliver nutrients that are bio-available for plants to easily uptake. Liquid Fish not only provides essential nutrients but also enhances soil fertility by feeding beneficial microbes in the soil.

Balanced By Nature

Using a combination of Liquid Seaweed and Fish Biofertilisers offers several benefits.

Firstly, they provide a balanced nutrient profile necessary for healthy plant growth. Secondly, these fertilisers improve soil structure by increasing microbial, worm and bug activity in the soil. This leads to better water retention capacity and nutrient availability for crops.

Moreover, the natural hormones present in both Liquid Seaweed and Liquid Fish Biofertiliser help regulate plant growth processes effectively. They promote root development for better nutrient uptake.

By incorporating Biological Fertilisers into your poultry farming practice, you can reduce your reliance on synthetic fertilisers while simultaneously improving soil structure. This approach not only benefits crop productivity but also contributes to long-term sustainability.

Biological Fertilisers Australia

Why Probiotic Liquid Seaweed is Good for Chickens

Minerals are needed year round by chickens for optimum production, health and fertility.  SONIC Probiotic Liquid Seaweed, chelated mineral supplement, provides essential nutrients that support optimal health and performance in chickens. This versatile formula can be used in feed or water to improve egg production, feather quality, and overall well-being.

Resistance to Diseases

Chickens fed with Probiotic Liquid Seaweed experience improved digestion and nutrient absorption, leading to enhanced growth and development. The naturally rich ocean mineral ingredients, and probiotic cultures, in SONIC Liquid Seaweed (Kelp), helps strengthen the immune system of chickens, making them more resistant to diseases.

Tasty for Chickens

Furthermore, chickens love the taste of naturally cold processed Liquid Seaweed, which makes it easier for farmers to incorporate it into their feeding routines. This ensures that the supplement is consumed consistently by the poultry, maximising its benefits.

Reduced Odour of Droppings

And, as an added bonus, the probiotics combined with seaweed’s minerals, ingested by the chickens, reduce the odour of their droppings and make the perfect fertiliser recipe, whch they will happily spread for you, for free, everywhere.

Overall, incorporating SONIC Probiotic Liquid Seaweed as a regular supplement, in your poultry farming operation, can greatly contribute to content and healthy chickens.

Remove Farm Odours Poultry Enclosures

3 Easy Methods

SONIC Probiotic Liquid Seaweed is a chelated mineral concentrate that can be used in 3 ways to provide added nutrition for poultry;

1.  Soak whole grain in diluted Liquid Seaweed overnight, for added nutrients and to stimulate faster activation.  And, the soak water can be used on the garden!

2. Spray undiluted Liquid Seaweed on dry feed just before feeding, for added nutrients and probiotics.

3.  Dilute Liquid Seaweed in water and your chickens will love it like a cold beer (or Kombucha) on a hot summers day!

‘In poultry, benefits of probiotic supplementation (live yeast or bacteria) are reported in broilers’ performance and health, with evidence of increased resistance of chickens to Salmonella, E. coli or C. perfringens infections. Probiotics can increase feed efficiency and productivity of laying hens, and an improvement in egg quality has also been reported.’
– Beneficial Microbes by F. Chaucheyras-Durand and H. Durand
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How to use SONIC Probiotic Liquid Seaweed for Poultry

Use regularly, weekly, or at times when feed quality is poor.

SONIC Liquid Seaweed can be added to feed or water or used as a seed soak for added probiotics and balanced organic minerals.

Daily Dilution for Poultry: 15-50ml per 5 litres

Seaweed Supplements for Poultry

How To Activated Grain
for Poultry

Sprouted grain for chickens

Activating and sprouting grain for poultry, using Liquid Seaweed, can increase the feed’s nutritional value, and make the grain go further.

Activate whole grain by soaking in diluted 100% natural Liquid Seaweed with water overnight, then strain.  Strained water can be used to fertilise plants.

Biological Fertiliser Production

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Seaweed Supplement for Livestock

See what farmers are saying about using Liquid Seaweed  Supplements for Sheep

Australia Made and Owned


Nourish Your Crops for Strong
Root Growth and Nutrient-Rich Harvests

Liquid Seaweed Biofertiliser


Biological Fertiliser Uses

Beneficial for seedlings, potted plants, mixed crops, orchards, and cropping


Supercharge your Soil Fertility
and Increase Fungal Biomass

Liquid Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser


Fish Hydrolysate Fertiliser

Beneficial for cover crops, veg, fruit & nut trees, pasture and broad-acre crops


Enhance your Livestock Digestion
for Optimal Feed Efficiency

Liquid Seaweed for Livestock


Liquid Seaweed Probiotic Supplement for Livestock

Beneficial for horses, cattle, sheep, goats, alpacas, chickens and pets